Interview w/ Min of A-Frames:



>- If you could have any film director make a video for one of your songs, who would it be, and why?

Min: Svankmajer remaking a Fritz Lang scene, just because.

>- What bands/musicians inspire you, not necessarily in their sound,
but in their careers/aesthetic/creative energies?

Min: Kim Salmon, Mark Smith, Bobby Soxx, Black Humor, Vulvettes, Karaty Party

>- What would you be doing with your free time if you weren’t doing the A Frames?

Min: playing music

>- What is on your turntable/cd player at home right now?

Min: Ralph comp “Subterranean Modern” LP, Homsexuals CDs

>- Any upcoming recordings/tour info to look forward to?

Min: New record by the end of the year? tour next year.

>- If you could rid the world of one “pet peeve” of yours, what would
it be?

Min: back pain