New Music: Fielded’s ‘Ninety Thirty Thirty’ LP Streaming


Lindsay Powell, singer and keyboardist for the Chicago psych band Ga’an, also has a more solo-ish project called Fielded, and on April 23rd she will release her second album, Ninety Thirty Thirty (Captcha Records), under this moniker. Her work for Fielded has often been built around treated and layered vocals as the primary instrumentation, but on her newest she is joined by friends for a singular and mysterious musical experience that is still rooted in her operatic and entrancing voice. Recorded at a studio set up in her childhood home in New Jersey, Powell used her suburban isolation to help her more clearly craft Ninety Thirty Thirty, an album inspired by a dream. She explains, “Ninety Thirty Thirty comes from a cinematic, science fiction dream I had while I was on tour. I was the founder of a cult in post-apocalyptic America called “Ninety Thirty Thirty.” Ninety represented the Uterus and Thirty Thirty the ovaries. What a code to unlock, I thought. And I think that�s what Fielded deals in often. The decoding of experience. We�ll never understand ourselves but there are so many questions that allow for amazing records or songs or relationships along the way.”

Fielded is heading out on tour this Spring! Some dates still need to be booked, so throw a house party, and invite her to play in your town!

March 11 @ Elysium in Austin, TX: SYNTH BY SOUTHWEST 2013 showcase w/ Missions, Feathers and Exit
March 13 @ The Continental Club in Austin, TX: Function Operate Showcase w/Some Ember, Pressures, and RedRedRed (plus more)
March 15 @ The Iron Bear w/ Christeene, Bonaparte and Maya Vik (fielded plays at midnight!)
April 29 : Chicago @ Burlington (record release show!)
April 30: Madison TBA
May 2: Minneapolis @ Kitty Kat club
May 3: Iowa City TBA
May 4: St. Louis @ APOP
May 5: Memphis @ The Tea House
May 7: Nashville @ The Stone Fox
May 8: Athens TBA*
May 9: Chapel Hill @ the Nightlite
May 10: Richmond TBA
May 11: DC TBA*
May 12: Baltimore TBA*
May 13: Philadelphia TBA*
May 14: NYC @ The Cake Shop
May 15: Brooklyn @ Death by Audio
May 16: Providence TBA
May 17: Boston TBA
May 18: Brattleboro, VT TBA
May 19: Montreal TBA*
May 20: Ottawa TBA
May 21: Toronto TBA
May 22: Detroit @ Lager House
May 23: Cleveland TBA*
May 24: Columbus TBA*
May 25: Pittsburgh TBA*
May 26: Lexington @ Al�s Bar
May 27: Louisville TBA
May 28: Bloomington TBA
May 29: Chicago @ Permanent Records (early show, 6PM!)

*any help offered would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you!