New Track: Raspberry Bulbs “Groping The Angel’s Face”


Bringing together two of the best things since beer and a shot, Raspberry Bulbs join black metal and punk for a deliciously unholy cocktail! Originally a solo project for Bone Awl’s M. del Rio (He Who Crushes Teeth), the project has grown into a five-piece since it’s 2011 LP Nature Tries Again (Hospital Productions), and it now includes members from the NYC hardcore bands Rorschach and Violent Bullshit. Raspberry Bulbs’ newest LP Deformed Worship will be out this coming July on Blackest Ever Black. The first studio recording for the record was scraped, and in November of 2012 the band re-recorded it to cassette 8-track, before it was mixed and mastered by Kris Lapke (Penis Womb, Fall Where They Would). On “Groping the Angel’s Face” skate-or-die guitar riffs of impending doom meet He Who Crushes Teeth‘s black charred vocals, creating a toxic, zombie apocalypse-kind of mixture…If you live in NYC, be sure not to miss Raspberry Bulbs live at 285 Kent on May 23rd with Total Control, Crazy Spirit and Survival!


fondling the graves
and groping the angel’s face
fondling the graves
and groping the angel’s face

the cross is staked above
I describe what I see

the dead keep coming

the determined dead
keep the candles burning
keep coming,
keep coming

you look around
tell some other story

the dead keep coming

the bodies pile up
and cemeteries sing
and we are silenced

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