Fire up the interstellar Cutlass Supreme, we’re going on a retro-futuristic road trip to Mars! Chicago artist Will MacLean‘s analogue synth project Ice Cream Mission To Mars returns this week with “BrickStix“, another killer preview from his upcoming, self-titled LP due out on Toy Moon November 20th. Describing his debut release as an “imaginary road trip on Mars”, MacLean informs us that some of the tracks, like “BrickStix”, can be thought of as “audio billboards flashing along the highway”. Turns out MacLean’s nephew Greyson invented BrickStix�, which are reusable Lego stickers that allow you to outfit your spacecraft with control panel and an alien, say, or put a window on your castle, and sonically “BrickStix” is inspired by, “all the toy jingles from commercials during saturday morning cartoons back in the 70s”. Indeed, the cut follows the compositional logic of a jingle, and using a sharp, but slightly off kilter drum track, and a repetitive, looping chorus of buzzing robots, MacLean paints “BrickStix” in broad strokes of flashing neon. Stay tuned for an album preview of Ice Cream Mission To Mars later this month, and while you’re at it, don’t forget to check out the video for “Blast Off!“.
*BrickStix� is a trademark of BrickStix LLC. Used with permission, all rights reserved.