Listen/Download: Lee Gamble “NTS Radio London – 16.01.03”


Today you can take a listen to and download Lee Gamble‘s most recent NTS Radio London set, recorded yesterday, January 16th. In voice a little rough around the edges, Gamble informs us that he’s full of antibiotics, and that this might be a “pretty chilled affair”, and indeed, even after floating out of the alien ambience of his “pain killer” opening, the set retains it’s late night, after party atmospherics, as the UK producer performs nearly two hours of live mixing! There’s no set list provided here, except the occasional shoutout to Suzie Sahara, Trilogy Tapes, etc, so it’s a bit like what Gamble told Quietus back in 2012, when asked by a fan to untangle some of the sonic references on his Diversions 1994-1996 LP, out on the Pan label, “I genuinely haven’t got a clue…At that time you’d get tapes passed around, and you’d have no idea what the tracks on them were. You couldn’t go online, there was no way to find out. You could have this track rattling round your head for five years – maybe still now – and have no idea who’d made it. There’s something really nice about that.” I’ll tell you what’s nice, nearly two hours of future forward electronic music available for FREE download!

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