Listen: Sacred Bones Reissues Vex’s Sanctuary With Bonus Material

Vex ‘Sanctuary’ LP

To further highlight the awesome work coming out of the Brooklyn-based label Sacred Bones, today we take a listen to a reissue from the label of the short-lived London punk band Vex. Sanctuary: the Complete Discography has taken the band’s original album, put out in the mid-’80s by Fight Back Records (a subsidary of Mortarhate), and fleshed it out with additional demo’s and bonus tracks from the group.

The songs on this collection are grimy, raw, and dark! Packed with an aggressive, tense energy that brings to mind an edgier, Warsaw-era Joy Division, or, more recently, Copenhagen’s Iceage, this collection bridges genres of punk, goth, and even metal. On the track “World In Action,” the vocals seethe with an icy, gothic delivery as the guitars oscillate between propulsive growls and wire tight angularity.

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