Listen: Jamie xx “All Under One Roof Raving”


Let’s take a listen and look at Jamie xx‘s new track “All Under One Roof Raving“. Jamie reports that he composed the track while on the tail end of a year-long tour with his main musical occupation, The xx. Suffering homesickness, he found himself listening and watching anything that reminded him of his hometown, London; in particular gravitating towards Mark Leckey‘s 1999 video art piece Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore, which collages found film from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, celebrating UK dance culture. Like Leckey’s piece, Jamie xx takes a nostalgic tour, this time thru Britain’s Jungle and Hardcore scenes, using various “found” spoken segments regarding the cultures to provide a running narrative; and, also much like Fiorucci Made me Hardcore, Jamie takes a peripatetic tact to the work, wandering thru his memories like a series of destinations on some unforgettable and epic all-nighter! Stellar visuals are provided here by the London-based artist Rose Pilkington.

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