Listen: Burger Records Sampler


Ease on into the weekend with some fine, new sounds from Burger Records! Few independent labels have amassed the kind of DIY output as these hep cats, with literally hundreds of releases under their belt since the label’s inception in 2007. As these guys just keep the production lines rolling, there was just too much good stuff to get to this week, so we decided to put it all into this sampler pack for your listening pleasure. Things kick off with the woozy psych-pop vibrations of Froth. Burger Records and Lollipop have teamed back up to re-release the LA band’s 2013 debut Patterns, and if you act fast you might still be able to cop this swoon-worthy burner on limited edition cassette. Also up for a listen here, is the lovely sugar-pop of Methadone Kitty and the Daily Dose, with the track “Metaxis” off their new cassette Unconfined, out now via the Burger subsidiary, Wiener Records. Conjuring up the golden era of indie pop with lovely Flying Nun breezes blowing thru, on “Metaxis” singer Ellie Mae muses, “Seasons come/And people go”, while she struggles to “get her balance right”, but in the end sunny harmonies prevail.
Burger Records always unearths some of the finest garage around, and this week is no exception. Ultra cool Puerto Rican punk comes in the form of Davila 666‘s 2xLP singles compilation Pocos Anos, Muchos Danos, which includes covers of the Nerves’ “Hanging on the Telephone“, as well as “She’s a Rainbow” (or “Borrandos el Negro”) by the Rolling Stones. And, if that’s not enough, even more from the Davila camp, with AJ Davila Y Terror Amor‘s sophomore effort Beibi, on which you’ll find the suave, late night sing-a-long, “Borderline“.
Finally, Tomorrows Tulips wrap things up with their brief little “Baby“, (as in I don’t wanna be your…), off the band’s October release When. Working out a crunchy hook with bummer-pop aplomb, Alex Knost and Ford Archbold lend cloudy harmonies to this economical and downcast ditty!

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