Listen: Damaged Bug “Jet In Jungle”


Last month we checked out Thee Oh Sees kick-ass new LP Mutilator Defeated At Last, out now on Castle Face Records. Never one to sit still, though, John Dwyer adds another sonic chapter to his Damaged Bug project this month, with the release of Cold Hot Plumbs via the label. Damaged Bug is Dwyer’s analogue synth leaning solo project, but as everyone knows who’s followed the prolific artist, Mr. Dwyer has a special knack for turning whatever he touches into warped pop gold. While 2014’s debut, Hubba Bubba, seemed more diversionary and hard edged, this newest effort from the project bears a bit more resemblance to Thee Oh Sees’ recent brand of whimsically damaged psych. “Jet In Jungle” is a great example, and it comes fully formed in it’s odd carapace of gurgling synthesizer–following florid arpeggios into the humid underbrush–before Dwyer adds weird choruses of backwards vocals to his strange brew.
Cold Hot Plumbs comes adorned with some far-out artwork from Robert Beatty, which you can view in the Soundcloud embed above, and if you grab the Firefly Glass Edition, it will come on colored vinyl with an exclusive flexi-disc of “Angel of The Snow“. Sure to sell-out, so pick one up while you still can!

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