The Swedish duo Bremen will return to Blackest Ever Black this coming December with the release of their upcoming 2xLP Eclipsed. Comprised of Brainbombs members Jonas Tiljander and Lanchy Orre, the pair follow-up their stellar 2014 album for BEB, Second Launch, with another wicked dose of heavy psychedelia. The label reports that the new record revolves around a tightly knit group of interests that include:
“a particular organ sound from J.A. Seazer‘s 1970s recordings, the squalid alien guitar tone of Chrome, the cranked, psychic roar-out riffage of Hawkwind, the melancholic mode of Swedish jazz pianist Jan Johansson, minimalism from La Monte Young to Eleh, �cold eighties electronic sound�, and sloppy, lo-fi psychedelic rock from the likes of P�rson Sound and Tr�d Gr�s och Stenar“.
A lot of that can definitely be heard on the track “On Board“. Ardent believers in the power of sonic repetition as a consciousness altering device, Tiljander’s mantric key phrase is met by caustic shards of Orre’s drone-like tones–until the guitarist churns up a Hawkwind-like psych line, only to brutalize it into submission. At midpoint, “On Board” falls silent, as though there’s going to be a track change, but then the melancholic key phrase returns with acidic washes of guitar. Before long, though, Orre’s back on his psych chord progression–this time coaxing it skyward with the help of brooding bass, percussion, and a rousing synth line. Quite the ride!