Watch: Death Grips Interview 2016


Like Death Grips would ever give a “real” interview. The title was tantalizing enough, but unless you can read lips, all you’ll hear the guys saying is, “Fuck off!”. Actor/TV Host Matthew Hoffman, who does celebrity interviews for Regal Cinemas, as well as “Tuesdays With Matthew”, which features senior citizens recreating scenes from classic films, plays the dutiful and well-dressed interviewer here–taking notes and watching with a wry smile as the band treats him to a private performance. Filmed by two guys who probably shouldn’t be allowed to hold cameras, we can see the band ripping it up. Problem is, the live sound is replaced by an unnamed instrumental. Sure sounds cool, though! Awesome, too, to watch drummer Zach Hill twitch about like an electrocuted muppet, and keyboardist Andy Morin menace like a man who got his meds wrong, while MC Ride rifles off his psychotic rants. Following the performance, Hoffman meets with each member individually before sitting down to interview them as a group; but if you’re hoping to learn more about Death Grips, all you’ll get is…silence.

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