Watch: Foul Tip “Drifting”


Whence last we heard from the dudes in Foul Tip, the Chicago punk duo had a split 7″ with Lil’ Tits. That “Madness” was back in 2014, but the boys return tomorrow with a rad LP called Forever Driftin’–due out on Captcha Records. Today we check out the band’s new video for the album’s namesake. Filmed and edited by cinematographer Aaron Preusch and Foul Tip drummer Ed Bornstein, this “day in the life” is shot in ultra slow motion, the perfect speed to find yourself “forever driftin'”. Split screen perspective provides us dueling views of Bornstein and bandmate Adam Luksetich as the pair start their day. It’s up and off to the record player, of course–Bee Gee’s breakup album Cucumber Castle for Ed, and Sanford Clark’s They Call Me Country for Adam–before the two have their breakfasts of Muscle Milk and eggs. After that, Foul Tip shows off their jockular side, heading down to the local YMCA and Rock Hard Gym for a little racketball and pumping iron. You know, just some slooow times, driiiftin’ and spiiittin’ with the bros!

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