Listen: Dagshenma ‘Diablo’ LP Playlist


Paris-based label Tsuku Boshi is an excellent source for left-of-field electronic music that is difficult to classify, and today we take a listen to Diablo, their intriguing new LP release from the Japanese producer Dagshenma. Looks like 2016 has been a busy year for the musician, as he already has three releases available on Bandcamp since January. Diablo tumbles down the rabbit hole of sonic weirdness to bring us 9 tracks of glitched-out techno weirdness. This Soundcloud playlist collects together five standouts from the new offering, and it promises to tickle your most avant aural recesses.
Derivulgkjko” sputters and spits bit crushed detritus like a deranged robot as machine clang and white noise dominate the cut. Eventually, it becomes possessed by a deep, end-sequence shudder, before entering into its noisy death spiral. Less random and a bit more structured rhythmically, with its loping backbeat, “Arhat Selfrmx” resembles an industrially scoured techno, while the addition of hissing hi-hats progresses the track down an assembly line of factory clatter. “Nzct” returns to a more rootless sonic state, sequencing harsh and abrasive noise structures into menacing insect swarms–punctuating all this with violent stints of negative space. Wild, off-kilter sequencing dominates “Deepf” too, but here the whir of wings and bugged-out chirping is replaced once again by a factory palette; but even as it vacillates in texture, introducing snippets of spoken word eventually, it acquires a strange groove-logic all it’s own. “Ircccs22” is the last track included in this Soundcloud playlist, and like much of Diablo–and Dagshenma’s work in general–its rhythmic structure continually suffers genetic mutation, seemingly undermined by its own counter-impulse for chaos and the formless!

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