Listen: Kensaye “Ogoun”


Kensaye "Ogoun" (Photo By: Shabana Shah)
Kensaye “Ogoun” (Photo By: Shabana Shah)
London-based percussionist/producer Kensaye has a brand new track called “Ogoun“. Named for the powerful warrior god honored in such religions as Santer�a and Haitian Voudou, and with roots that stretch from Latin America back to Africa, Kensaye offers this explanation of the song’s namesake: “Ogoun is the deity of fire and “metallurgical elements” and red is his color. He likes to be saluted with rum, not with the more traditional water. Often this rum is poured on the ground, then lit…” Combustible indeed, and a heady brew like this loa’s dark, spiced libation of choice, Kensaye adds live drumming via his djembe playing and it’s the heartbeat that underpins this track’s percussive elements–while also adding a textured acoustic quality to “Ogoun”. The musician is also joined on the cut by synth player Andy Yeates and his eerie, ear-tingling melody tensely animates this track while registering somewhere between alarming and exhilarating.
You can give Kensaye’s Beats of 2016 a listen below, with “Ogoun” being the 4th track in the collection..

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