Listen: Sully “Vamp”

Norwich-based producer Sully makes cinematic bass music with noir allure on his excellent new 12″ Vamp (Black Acre). Jack Stevens ability to blend the grit of UK grime and bass, with its distant American cousins juke and footwork, is immediately apparent on the title track, but the producer adds icy atmospherics and the kinds of razor sharp beats and bass boom that leave a definite physical mark. In addition, Stevens keeps his productions minimal and understated in the best of ways, and this cut is no different with a looming sense of negative space hovering around it like a menacing shadow as tense exhales and a vocal sample ping-pong madly. Imagine walking down a shady street in some rough hood late at night, feeling eyes watching your every move, but seeing no one, “Vamp” is sure to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up!

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