Hey, you got your Big Naturals in my Anthroprophh, and I think I like it! Brought to us by the fine folks at Captcha Records and Cardinal Fuzz, this devastating sonic pairing yields a potent helping of psychedelic sludge. Big Naturals are a Bristol-based duo that includes drummer Jesse Webb and bassist Gareth Turner, while Anthroprophh is the experimental musician Paul Allen of The Heads. In recent years, Allen has been joined by Webb and Turner and the results are titanic–as on this cut “Narwhallian Social Purge“.
Thick bong loads of low-end fog over a fury of shredded guitar, as Jesse Webb unloads a cauldron of volcanic drumming. The track will have you sinking fast in the quicksand until the thunder in your head clears for a brief moment. But, by the time you’ve steadied yourself, Allen and crew are back to licking gobbly-guck of the sticky floor. Touched, tweaked, and torched, this stuff is sure to have you unraveling boulder size balls of lint from your belly button!
Look for this slab of lava to come out on July 8th via Captcha Records and Cardinal Fuzz. The first side of the LP is given over to a 21-minute cut from Big Naturals, while the back side contains three tracks from Anthroprophh’s unholy trio of Allen, Webb, and Turner. With hand-assembled packaging and a unique cover by artist Sam Giles, this one is a no-brainer!