As TWINS, Matt Weiner‘s music often bridges the relationship between post-punk and electronic off-shoots like techno, house, and industrial. This week he returns to his Music From the Insider series–a particularly post-punk leaning segment of his output–with Music From the Insider II out now on the Glasgow label Clan Destine. Today we listen to the the track “EVERYTHING OUTSIDE“, the lead cut off TWINS’ new 6-song limited edition cassette/digital download.

Stumbling out into the humid darkness on sea sick legs, there’s a noxious air OUTSIDE. Badly intentioned basslines meet a hard rain of driving drums while slicing queasy tones set everything reeling. Weiner’s vocals here are like yellow smoke in the black fog of this mix, and while it’s difficult to make heads or tails of the lyrics, you get the feeling he’s singing under lowered ceilings while staring out into the TOTAL VOID.

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