Watch Oneohtrix Point Never’s “Sticky Drama (Four Tet Extended Version)” Video


Oneohtrix Point Never’s “Sticky Drama (Four Tet Extended Version)” originally aired as a live audio-visual broadcast via the Boiler Room this past February. The idea for the piece was conceived by OPN’s Daniel Lopatin and it was produced in conjunction with the Boiler Room, the Barbican, and Warp Records.

Using a camera on a drone, the video begins on the stage of the Barbicans’ famous concert hall before slowly descending into the bowels of the building. Four Tet’s remix of “Sticky Drama” accompanies the footage and the minimalist composition employs Lopatin’s “hypergrunge” with passages of silence to provide a haunting soundtrack. Ecco: The Videos of Oneohtrix Point Never and Related Works is currently installed at Los Angeles’ Hammer Museum.

Watch Oneohtrix Point Never’s “Sticky Drama (Four Tet Extended Version)” Video

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