Listen to the Gaytheist Track “Avenged Seven-Minute Abs”

Gaytheist (Photo by: James Rexroad)

Today we listen to the new Gaytheist track “Avenged Seven-Minute Abs” off the trio’s upcoming LP Let�s Jam Again Soon due out June 16th via Good to Die Records. The album will be the Portland-based band’s fourth release via the Seattle label, and it promises to pack fourteen raucous tracks into a mere thirty minutes. That economy can be heard on this tersely constructed first single; but, though tightly composed, it still features Gaytheist’s effusive style.

Nick Parks‘ drumming is epic on “Avenged Seven-Minute Abs” as he rolls thunder around Tim Hoff‘s deep well-spring of low end. Meanwhile, Jason Rivera tightens the noose around hard rockin’ guitar lines, singing exuberantly: “You let yourself go/I’ve let myself go/Let’s start a family…” Like some sort of small town mating ritual, he continues in the next verse: “The kids are grown/They’re on their own/Flex those abs/Loose that flab”, and while in some ways these lines might be considered a reproach, Rivera’s infectious good humor somehow takes the sting out of narrating the suburban life cycle down to only two verses.

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