Listen: Actress Shares “Dancing in the Smoke” Track

Actress Shares “Dancing in the Smoke” Track. (Photo By: Mehdi Lacoste)

The UK-based producer Actress has shared his new track “Dancing in the Smoke” off his upcoming LP AZD out April 14th via Ninja Tune. To set the mood, Darren Cunningham explains that the cut deals with:

“that moment in the club, in the side room which is less habituated where the music is more diffused from the main club, smoked out and disorientating. Already you get some sense of the piece, all angular rhythms, woozy synth pads and disembodied vocal refrains. The DJ has locked on a groove and you’re there in your own space pulsing with the music. As the different spaces start to merge and turn with the effects of your prescription for the night, that alien cacophony of lasers and tone trip the buzz for a flight into that kind of euphoria that only spacing to the rhythm of the metropolis can bring.”

Dancing in the Smoke” is a sample-based odyssey of smeared voices and strung-out synths, and Cunningham, as the side room DJ, has found a groove that strobes like broken neon before crashing into a cauldron of roiling chrome.

Listen: Actress Shares “Dancing in the Smoke” Track

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