Listen: Fox Face “Hiawatha”

Fox Face band photo seated at table
Listen: Fox Face “Hiawatha”

Fox Face will release their Spoil + Destroy LP on November 3rd via Dirtnap Records. The Milwaukee-based punk band is led by guitarist/vocalist Lindsay DeGroot, and she is joined in the four-piece by fellow guitarist/vocalist Lydia Washechek, bassist/vocalist Mary Joy, and drummer Christopher Capelle. Spoil + Destroy follows up a pair of 2016 releases from the group, the Teen Wiccan 7″ (Chop Haus Records) as well as their The Moon And The Tide (In The Lake Records) cassette. Like previous Fox Face efforts, the upcoming LP was recorded by Kyle �Motor� Urban at MotorCo Studio in Madison, WI, with the album laid down on an all-analog Ampex MM-1100 23″ 16-Track recorder.

Last month the band shared Spoil + Destroy‘s first listen-in “Clever Girl,” a fiercely unapologetic song that combined Sabbath-tinged heaviness with Riot Grrrl insurgency. Today, we’re proud to premiere a second track from the album, “Hiawatha.” Able to combine various sub-genres of Punk into a music all their own, here the band’s rough and ready sound is right at home on the open Plains. “Hiawatha” conjures dusty Spaghetti Westerns with blazing guitar leads setting the stage for the band’s harrowing tale. DeGroot’s cinematic imagery includes baptisms by blood and water, and she’s quick to remind us that this Nation was built “on the backs of Natives.” Possibly a pointed message to those historically shallow Nationalists who choose to forget they were not here first, Fox Face sharpens Punk Rock into a socially necessary tool, and they sound killer doing it.

Listen: Fox Face “Hiawatha”

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