We’ll leave you this Friday with a tasty nugget from NYC’s avant-pop weirdos, Pollens. The group is readying their new EP Mister Manufacture for release on October 27th, and today we check out their new track “Words“–which premiered this week over at Pancakes and Whiskey. If the press photo above is any indication it appears the group has pared down their membership since starting up in Seattle back in 2008. Heading out for the bright lights of the big city, Pollens now lace their music with the giddy highs of the Big Apple.
On this first listen in from the upcoming EP, dented electronics and rusted percussion provide just the right low rent vibe. Bandmates Jeff and Elizabeth pepper the track with their witty observations and plenty of Saturday morning cartoon silliness. Admitting right off the bat, “We can’t quite hear the words/We often get them wrong,” Pollens go on to explain, “And even when we get them right/We don’t know what they mean.” Filled with plenty of back and forth banter from the duo, and a chorus that includes the lines, “All drive/No focus,” ultimately this track celebrates the “dangerously romantic” energies of the gritty city.