Music News: Psychic Ills’ Frontman Tres Warren Has Past Away; Listen to New Covers of Beach Boys and Charles Manson

Psychic Ills frontman Tres Warren and Elizabeth Hart band photo

Psychic Ills‘ frontman Tres Warren passed away this month at the age of 41. At the time of his death, Warren and bandmates were getting ready to head into the studio to record their sixth full-length which was to come out this Fall. While those songs were never recorded, Psychic Ills did record a cover of the Beach Boys’ track “Never Learn Not to Love” as well as its original version “Cease to Exist” written by Charles Manson. Those songs are now available on 7″ via Sacred Bones.

The group’s longtime label home is also currently running a Spotify playlist featuring only Psychic Ills’ tracks. You can check that out here. Additionally, after the YouTube embeds below, bandmates, friends, and Sacred Bones founder Caleb Braaten share their remembrances about the musician.

Psychic Ills “Never Learn to Love”
Psychic Ills “Cease to Exist”
Tres was happiest when he was playing music. Through whatever trials life brought, when he picked up his guitar he could find calm. He also had a passion for film and impeccable taste. Tres had such respect for storytellers and was an amazing storyteller himself – you can hear that in his music. Maybe what you don’t know is that Tres had a great sense of humor, he could run a joke forever and it never got old. He taught me so much. I’m so grateful to have had such a deep and soulful musical partner for all these years and feel lucky to call Tres my friend. Life won’t be the same without him.
— Elizabeth Hart, Psychic Ills

Your encouragement and support sweetly given to me weakens any self doubt and insecurity. The generosity with your knowledge, passion, and talent is a fire lighting motivator. Your mischievous, playful, sometimes biting but always familial wisecracking keeps me smiling and laughing. I can neither count the refractions nor express how mesmerizing the light was while passing through.
I love you, Tres.
And also, my amp on stage isn’t too loud.
— Brent Cordero, Psychic Ills

One of my favorite qualities of Tres Warren was his ability to ask your opinion of something and GENUINELY listen to your response with full attention and consideration. His knowledge and thirst for music was as unparalleled as his innate kindness, which was apparent to anybody that knew him. His tone on a guitar was unmistakably him, which was a tantamount to his musical brilliance. Drifting back on the memories we shared throughout unforgettable tours across the planet it shows me that he was one of those special people in life. One that you seldomly have the chance to meet, that continually inspire you and make you a better version of yourself. What an honor to know him. On that note I’ll cheers a margarita to you Tres. See you again someday amigo.
— Jon Catfish DeLorme, Psychic Ills

I was lucky enough to play music with Tres. He was a master songwriter and musicologist. He was a sensitive soul and magic maker who inspired so many people. I feel fortunate that he included me in his world.
— Adam Amram, Psychic Ills

Tres had this unflappable presence. He was so calm and cool it could be intimidating but once approached you were met with nothing but a gentle warmth and kindness. He was very generous with his cool. Above all else though, he was a lover of music. I mean the guy just loved music. He loved listening to it, he loved talking about it and more than anything he loved creating it. He was also generous with his music. For that I will forever be grateful.
— Caleb Braaten, Sacred Bones Records
A memorial for Tres will be held at a later date to be announced, once public spaces are allowed to reopen. Stand by for details.

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