Watch: Baroness “Tourniquet [Socially Distant]”

Baroness “Tourniquet [Socially Distant]”

Baroness have shared a new video from isolation, “Tourniquet [Socially Distant].” The track is off the 2019 LP Gold & Grey out now on their Abraxan Hymns label. The group reports that despite the virus, the six-plus minute video featuring all four band members performing on their own from home was an act of community in these disorienting times.

“Tourniquet” seems the perfect song to relay this message. Lyrically harrowing, it is a powerful expression of the will to live despite the odds. Filling their bloodstream with poison and ashes, the song’s protagonist seems to have thrown their life away only to be called back from the ocean’s floor by a warning storm overhead. No candy coating of the truth here, just an admission that life is a difficult commitment that continually asks for our sacrifice to it.

Discussing the circumstances under which “Tourniquet [Socially Distant]” was created, the band has this to say:

“Hey everyone! Here’s an as-live-as-possible performance of Tourniquet that we made over the course of a couple days during this period of isolation. We have all maintained a rigid policy of social-distancing since becoming aware of this pandemic; which has unfortunately deprived us of our much preferred means of playing music. Throughout this crisis, the overall safety and responsibility of our global human community far outweighs the individual value of any show, festival or tour. We’re refocusing and redoubling our energy to adapt to this situation as it unfolds. As difficult as it seems to navigate the effects of this virus, the isolation has not stripped us of our passion for Baroness’ music. Playing music so far from our bandmates will never be particularly natural. However, the experience of making this video through emails, texts and phone calls has been a powerful reminder of how inspiring and invigorating music can be in times of stress, struggle and confusion. We hope you enjoy this performance. It isn’t meant to highlight musical perfection or precision. Personally, it serves as a reminder that, no matter what situation we face, we are still able to enjoy friendship, family and community through something as simple as a song. Isolated but never alone…”

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