Watch: Geneva Jacuzzi “Clothes on the Bed”

Geneva Jacuzzi “Clothes on the Bed”

Geneva Jacuzzi is readying the re-issue of her DIY synth-pop classic, the 2010 debut album Lamaze. Initially out on the label Vinyl International, look for her debut to return on February 26th via Mexican Summer. In anticipation, the rollout has included a look back at video gems from the initial effort, including visuals for “Do I Sad?” and “Love Caboose,” as well as this week’s addition, “Clothes on the Bed.” She explains:

“I’m pretty sure my bedspread wrote this song because I have no idea what it means other than the obvious, but I suppose that’s why it makes sense to everyone but myself. We shot the video in the Tim and Eric studio in 2009. The director, Eric Fensler, did an amazing job with the set design and concept, and the OG plan was to have it stay simple, but I snuck a smoke machine onset and convinced him to let me emerge from the closet as a succubus. It ended up making the cut, and the vid is one of my faves to this day.”

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