Watch: Domingæ – Æ Part I : Æva & Dæmon (excerpts)


Föllakzoid founder Domingæ is readying the release of her solo EP Æ via Sacred Bones on September 10th. In anticipation, the artist has written and co-directed a three-episode short film of the same name to be released each month until the album comes out. Additionally, the artist is currently seeking help “to truly thrive and continue her transition safely in New York City” via this GoFundMe campaign. The Chilean artist has been living in Mexico City since last year in an effort to find better healthcare. However, the city is one of the most dangerous in the world to be transgender. Contributing to her campaign will help the artist move to NYC to seek safe access to housing and healthcare.

Below, you can watch the first episode of Æ featuring excerpts of the tracks “Æva” and “Dæmon.” It is co-directed by Caco Marshall and Dominga Huidobro and written by Huidobro.

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